Steve Banks
Executive Director
You may have noticed that the Crested Butte Avalanche Center’s daily bulletin has been talking about the persistent slab problem for most of the winter now. We have also had some other avalanche problems such as storm slabs, wind slabs and even wet loose avalanche problems. These problems seem to come and go, while persistent slabs stay in the bulletin day after day. So when will the persistent slabs go away?
Persistent slabs is the name we give to the avalanche problem when we have a weak layer that is made up of faceted snow grains, depth hoar or surface hoar with a thick denser layer above. These types of weak snow grains tend to change very slowly and often linger throughout the entire winter season. Really it is a persistent weak layer that is the problem, but since it is the slab that could potentially kill you, we call it a persistent slab avalanche problem. These particular weak layers need a lot of time to morph into a better type of snow grain, and often we get into full on spring corn cycles before these layers begin to look any better.
So it would seem that if persistent slabs are really a problem, we must be triggering a lot of avalanches, right? Well, not really. These weak layers can have a certain amount of strength to them. The trick is to be able to recognize where and when they are strong enough to support the overlying snow as well as the additional weight of a backcountry rider. This is why we perform snowpack test like compression test and extended column tests. We are trying to determine how strong the weak layers may or may not be. Given the idea that stronger layers over weaker layers in the snowpack create avalanches, merely looking at the structure of the snowpack would indicate dangerous conditions. However snowpack tests are beginning to show harder results leading us to believe that the snowpack is gaining strength.
Now comes the tricky part. If the weak layers creating the persistent slab avalanche problem are becoming stronger, how do we know where and when they are strong enough to trust? It is always difficult to assess where an avalanche will occur, but it is especially difficult during times of relatively benign weather. This is when forecasters will be talking about low likely hood and high consequences avalanches. While it is difficult to initiate the slide, the resulting failure could entrain a lot of snow and have a life threatening outcome. So where would you be more likely to trigger an avalanche? The best way to know the answer is to dig in to the snow to check out the layering and perform some tests to see just how strong the slab is and just how weak the weak layers are. In general we have a weaker snowpack closer to the town of CB where the snowpack is shallower. Stronger snowpacks can be found deeper in the mountains where the snowpack is deeper. When in doubt, err on the side of caution, and always remember to check the current avalanche bulletin at
Interpreting Snowpack Layers and Hardness
When the word avalanche is mentioned, images of curtains of snow cascading down the mountain come to mind. Specific conditions create avalanches. One of the basic elements, of course, is snow. The snowpack (the seasons snow on the ground) is a complex, but a key to understanding it is identifying layers and differences between them. Layers within the snowpack are a record of the winter’s weather. Like tree rings or strata of rock, layers can be traced to dates and conditions that formed them.
One of the most important characteristics of a layer is its hardness. Harder snow is stronger and cohesive, while softer snow is weaker. For a slab avalanche we need a strong layer over a weak layer. We actually use a “Hand Hardness” scale by pushing our hand into each layer to determine the hardness. “Fist” hard snow is the softest, then “four finger”, then “one finger” snow being harder, and so on. No, there’s no “middle finger” on this scale. The greater the hardness difference of neighboring layers, the more likely we are to see avalanches at that interface.
The recent snowpack history from the Crested Butte backcountry is a great example of layer hardness relating to human triggered avalanches. Consider these three scenarios:
1) The last week in January brought up to 50” of snow over seven days. While this storm caused some natural avalanches, riders initially weren’t triggering many slab avalanches. Most of the snow came in light and soft. Digging in sheltered and shaded areas during the middle of the storm, you’d find very soft (fist hard) new snow on top of some slightly harder old snow.
2) The storm ended on Thursday January 31st. By then the wind had formed stiff slabs at all elevations but especially near and above treeline. Digging on some leeward slopes near treeline you could find one finger hard wind-loaded snow sitting over four finger hard facets. Many reports of natural and skier triggered slides came in from wind-loaded areas.
3) By Monday, February 4th, the storm had ended four days prior. Mild daytime temperatures had created settlement in the height of the storm snow and an increase in its hardness. I was skiing on sheltered easterly aspects below treeline. These slopes had seen very little wind in the past week. Throughout the day, we felt many rumbling collapses and we remotely triggered two sizable avalanches. On these sheltered slopes we found storm snow that had stiffened to a hardness of four finger sitting over fist hard facets.
This storm and avalanche cycle in the late January to early February shows how layer hardness often relates to skier triggering. The most consistent skier-triggering occurred where we found the most change in hardness in adjacent strong over weak layer. If this talk of layers seems daunting, remember that you don’t have to figure it out on your own. The daily avalanche forecast is best place for current conditions. You can check out the “Observations” page to read what other backcountry travelers are seeing. You could even look at the “Snow Profiles” page for technical graphs of recent snow pits. From there you can investigate the snow as much or as little as you want. But most of all have fun in the mountains, make sound decisions, and stay safe doing it. Check out the daily forecast at
CBAC Forecaster Josh Hirshberg
Some Crusty Thoughts
South facing slopes were the go-to for many folks in town to find stable skiing and riding during our December storm cycle. The snow fell on dirt on many low elevation sunny slopes, rather than the problematic facets that were lurking on shaded slopes. Someone asked me recently, “When do south aspects become dangerous?” It depends, of course, but a lot of it has to do with crusts. With all the sun we’ve been getting in January, we’ve seen melt-freeze crusts form on most of our southerly slopes. So what does this mean for future stability and what happens when snow piles on above crusts?
There are a lot of variables at play, so I’ll illustrate with a few examples. The best case scenario is that we have a thick, stout crust that is still warm as a new storm arrives, and the new snow falls warm and wet. Instabilities at this crust/new snow interface will be short-lived because a good bond will form. This pattern is more often played out in the springtime, which is why we can sometimes find stable powder skiing after a spring storm drops snow on widespread crusty surfaces.
The worst case scenario is if we have facets form and stay preserved above a crust prior to a big snowfall. This can happen in a number of ways. Mid-winter, we will occasionally see crusts form on days when it is still pretty cold, but there is strong enough solar radiation to warm and melt the snow just below the surface. The actual surface of the snow stays cool because it radiates heat, so what we have is a thin crust forming below cold faceting snow at the surface. Suddenly we have a bed surface with a weak layer waiting for a slab to ruin someone’s day. A similar scenario is if we have a crust that has been forming for days or weeks, and then we get a dusting of snow on top followed by clear and cold weather. This gives us another scary bed surface with facets developing above it. Often these facets above crusts are difficult to spot with the naked eye after they are buried by a slab, but a stability test will usually give them away.
Now here’s the really tricky part. When a crust gets buried, it can have unusual behavior. Crusts act as vapor barriers to the normal, everyday movement of water vapor through the snowpack (Picture TSA security clogging the flow of people at an airport). This can lead to faceting above or below the crust, even if the bonds were originally strong. This type of problem is most common in cold, shallow snowpacks such as what we have in Crested Butte right now. We have already observed pronounced facets developing under our current crusts on south aspects. With a big enough load, that crust won’t be able to support the weight above it and the whole thing will come crashing down, failing on those facets below the crust.
So if I’ve lost you with all this technical jibber jabber, here’s the bottom line. Crusts have the potential to be a dangerous interface as more snow piles above them. Treat a buried crust as guilty until proven innocent. Watch for signs of instability and dig down to check how the snow is bonding to that crust before committing to steep terrain. And remember that south facing slopes that you were skiing or riding safely back in December may no longer be stable if we get another big storm cycle. For daily avalanche advisories and observations, visit
CBAC Forecaster Zach Guy
Tech Tip: Did Your Compression Test Just POP or DROP?
Recent research in the snow and avalanche world is showing that how a compression test fails is just as or more important than the number of taps it takes for it to fail. Researchers have come up with a classification system to qualify and describe fractures in snowpack tests. This system is known as Fracture Character. Fracture Character does not necessarily replace Shear Quality—or the “Q scale.” It compliments it, and can even provide a bit more information about the relationship of the weak layer and the overlying slab. It breaks fracture type into 2 main categories—sudden fractures and non sudden fractures. This post will solely deal with sudden fractures.
Sudden fractures are what avalanche practitioners call “pops” and “drops” in snowpack tests. If the fracture is a pop, a thin crack will cross the column of snow with one loading step (or tap) and the block will slide off the weak layer easily. It could be your 5th tap or your 20th—the key is that one tap initiates a crack that crosses the entire snowpack column. This may not be as obvious as the old analogy of “it shot out like a cash register drawer.” On lower angle slopes you may have to grab the block and give it a slight tug. If it slides off without much effort you are still dealing with a pop. If it is a drop there will be an observable (and sometimes audible) collapse on the weak layer that occurs with one loading step, or tap. If you flip over the block it may not necessarily be smooth. Drops in depth hoar will commonly look rough when you examine the fracture.
Why is this important? Researchers have correlated sudden fractures with skier triggering avalanches. Recent studies have shown that “Fracture Character is a valuable addition to the compression test score since most failure layers of slab avalanches produce sudden fractures in compression tests” (van Herwijnen and Jamieson 2004a). Paying attention to whether your compression test “pops” or “drops” can give you a better indication of whether or not a specific slope has the potential to avalanche. This is also great information to include when you send in your observations to the CBAC.
Remember that performing snowpack tests is just one part assessing the snowpack. No one test can tell you if a slope is stable. If you want more information on this topic check out Alec van Herwijnen and Bruce Jamieson’s 2004 paper titled Fracture Character in Compression Tests. The chart below compares Fracture Character with shear quality and provides definitions for Fracture Character.
John MacKinnon
Works Cited
Birkland, Karl “Comments on Using Shear Quality and Fracture Character
to Improve Stability Test Interpretation.” TAR Vol. 23. No. 2: 2004.
to Improve Stability Test Interpretation.” TAR Vol. 23. No. 2: 2004.
van Herwijnen and Jamieson 2003. An update on fracture character in stability tests. Avalanche
News 66. Canadian Avalanche Association, Revelstoke, BC, 26-28.
News 66. Canadian Avalanche Association, Revelstoke, BC, 26-28.
van Herwijnen and Jamieson 2004. Fracture Character in Compression Tests. ISSW 2004.
van Herwijnen and Jamieson 2004a. Fracture Character in Compression Tests.” ISSW 2004.
Tips To Keep You Beeping
With the arrival of some real snowfall and wintery conditions, the ski conditions have drastically improved. But with the new snow came plenty of avalanches in the backcountry around Crested Butte. If you are just now digging out your winter sticks and brushing the dust off your beacon, here is some recent news and important reminders about avalanche beacons.
John Barkhausen of Prescott College recently published his research about whether electronic devices interfere with avalanche beacons. You’ve probably heard rumors that having your phone turned on could affect your beacon’s performance. John tested this by systematically checking the effective searching range of a beacon and with different electronic devices turned on, such as cell phones, iPods, GPS units, radios, SPOT locators, and digital cameras. The good news is that these devices have very little effect on a sending beacon (i.e. the buried victim’s beacon). The bad news is that a number of electronics significantly reduce the ability of a searching beacon to pick up a signal. IPod’s and cameras were especially bad. However, when a searching beacon is held more than 40 cm away from the various devices tested, interference is essentially gone. This is about arms length away. So the bottom line is hold your beacon away from your body if you have any electronic devices on. It’s probably a good idea to turn off your cell phone and reconsider using a chest-mounted GoPro. If you’re listening to your IPod, then you probably didn’t hear the rumbling collapse that would have warned you of dangerous avalanche conditions in the first place.
Another recent study in Europe showed that novice/average users failed to find the last burial victim in a triple burial scenario in roughly 30% of rescue scenarios. This was attributed to failure of the marking function that most modern beacons are equipped with. While multiple-burial marking functions are a great addition to beacons and can save precious time, it is important to remember that they are not fail proof. The bottom line is that you need to practice backup search strategies too. For more information about these techniques, check out If beacon searches are a foreign skill to you, check out one of the many avalanche classes offered in the valley.
And lastly, some friendly reminders. Don’t use rechargeable batteries or lithium batteries in your beacon; they could cause unexpected loss of power while you’re out in the backcountry. Make sure to change your batteries when they get near 50% power; lower power can reduce effective search ranges. Make beacon checking part of your daily routine, and most importantly, Practice! Practice! Practice!
Zach Guy
What is “CONSIDERABLE” danger?

This past week’s never-ending storm cycles has renewed the promise of a deep and snowy winter in the Elk Mountains. Hopefully, most skiers and riders got to surf their powder boards and slake their thirst for the cold smoke. If you were in the backcountry, your endeavors for epic faceshots were likely punctuated with some boot shaking signs of instability in the snowpack. Aside from wondering why you still don’t have real health insurance, your recent experiences might have brought you to ponder the details of the Avalanche Danger Scale. That’s what I did, anyway.
When was the last time that you read the Danger Scale? I mean, reallyread it. I know, it sounds silly. Green is “Go” red is “Go home,” right? As you look deeper it’s a lot more nuanced than that. It may surprise some backcountry enthusiast to know that the forecasters at the Crested Butte Avalanche Center read the Danger Scale almost every morning. There are days when we may spend fifteen minutes mulling over the specifics of a danger rating before issuing a forecast. This might seem like a trivial thing for a forecaster to do rather than performing some kind of crepuscular snow-ritual deep in the mountains. This attests to the importance we place on the danger rating. Which bring us to the point of Considerable Danger.
Starting December 9ththe Crested Butte Avalanche Center saw the most prolonged period of Considerable avalanche danger so far this season. Sure it’s early, but this period lasted well into late December. Backcountry travelers who were out during this time will recognize that conditions during in this period varied greatly. So, why all the Considerable? This is the beauty and flexibility of this danger rating.
First, some basic criteria would say that “dangerous avalanche conditions” exist under a Considerable rating, and “careful snowpack evaluation, cautious route-finding and conservative decision-making” are essential to staying safe. Though there may be some inherent risk to backcountry skiing and riding, it’s not often that it’s “dangerous.” During times of Considerable danger you really have to be on your game. The conventional way of thinking about Considerable would tell us that “natural avalanches are possible” and “human triggered avalanches are likely.” This isn’t a time for that romantic picnic lunch you’ve been planning in the middle of your favorite avalanche path. We know that during Considerable danger there’s a good chance we’ll see some kind of avalanches. We want to minimize the amount of time that we’re in any avalanche paths to ensure that we’re not caught in any of them. This is where things get interesting. According to the size and distribution definition, during Considerable danger we could see “small avalanches in many areas, large avalanches in specific areas, or very large avalanches in isolated areas.” In case there’s some confusion with the terms, a large avalanche is something you definitely don’t want to be caught in. This could be big enough to break trees or bury a car. Meanwhile, a “small avalanche” could still be big enough to bury a person. “Specific terrain” could be something like east aspects, while “isolated terrain” could be a 40-degree convex slope containing large rocks. The size and distribution helps explain how different types of conditions can fall under Considerable. Additionally, forecasters strive to match the conditions with a danger that best describes it as a whole. The overall conditions and size and distribution are just as important to consider as whether we expect natural versus human triggered avalanches. Unfortunately, backcountry riders don’t get to choose which flavor of Considerable they want, but the forecaster often emphasizes the most pertinent elements of a given day’s Considerable. This helps explain why during mid-December we had so many days that were Considerable. Some days we expected human triggered slides and maybe some naturals, but we new they would be small. Other days we didn’t think there would be lots of activity, but we knew anything that ran it could be big. Some days were really heads up with many small avalanches everywhere and a few large slides on specific slopes.
Most important is to recognize that days with Considerable danger are significantly more hazardous than days at Moderate. Forecasters consider the Danger Scale to be exponential, rather than a linear scale. One step up on the Danger scale could mean that you’re 10 times, or even 100 times more likely to trigger an avalanche. There are lots of times when we can get great powder in the backcountry and even shred some pretty steep slopes. It’s critical that we learn to recognize when it isn’t safe and how to modify our terrain choices to not get caught in dangerous conditions. If you take some time to review the danger scale, you’ll start noticing how much the CBAC forecasters incorporate the definitions into the daily forecast. Like most readers, the CBAC forecasters are excited for a powder-filled winter. We dream of endless fresh tracks, but most importantly we strive to keep our community safe while enjoying the backcountry.
So what is going to happen when it actually snows???
This article will be published in this week’s Crested Butte News.
By John MacKinnon
CBAC Forecaster
The long-range weather models are beginning to show those dark red and purple bulls’ eyes of precipitation stacking up over Colorado in the coming week. This is great news because it means winter is finally on its way to Crested Butte; but it is also important to remember that any significant snowfall will bring a return to dangerous avalanche conditions.
Many people are already comparing our delayed start to winter to last year. What both years have in common is a couple of early season storms between late October and mid-November which have been followed by long dry spells. Long dry spells with cold clear nights and mild sunny days have provided the perfect ingredients for our existing snowpack to morph from snow-flakes into large angular snow crystals known as facets. During both years, much of the early season snowpack turned into weak sugary snow during the first part of winter.
So this brings us to the question of what is going to happen when it actually starts snowing. If Monday’s storm (12/3/12) is any proxy for what will happen when we get a significant load of new snow, the results following the upcoming forecasted storms could be impressive. The storm from earlier this week dropped between 1-5” of snow onto our fragile snowpack. As winds pushed this snow around and drifted it on to specific slopes, many small avalanches occurred—most human triggered but some occurred naturally. The weak faceted snow crystals could not support even the smallest of loads.
It is especially important to remember the effects of Monday’s storm if we get a good 12” of snow in the next couple days. If Monday’s storm was akin to throwing a couch cushion onto 50 fluted champagne glasses, imagine what would happen if you began stacking mattresses on those same glasses. Our weak base of old snow would quickly and dramatically fail if loaded with a foot or more of new snow. A mix of patience, caution and respect could be the best tools for dealing with backcountry riding for some time.
2012-2013 Season Start Up
The Crested Butte Avalanche Center is now open for the 2012-2013 season! While the first year the CBAC was in operation was 2001, this is our 10thanniversary of becoming “officially” incorporated as a non-profit entity. Since we opened ten years ago the CBAC had grown into a professional forecasting office with a staff of 4 forecasters and a board of directors of 10 local professionals and backcountry enthusiasts with diverse backgrounds. New this year we will be introducing CBAC Ambassadors who will be the extended face of the CBAC out in the backcountry and here in town as well.
Look for the CBAC to be making some changes to our website product this year. The avalanche forecasting community is making a move to become more consistent with what the avalanche danger means and how to determine what the avalanche problem of the day is. Once the main avalanche problem is determined, it is a bit easier to figure out how to manage the risk for that particular day. Not all avalanche problems are created equal, and not all problems should be dealt with in the same way. Hopefully our new format will make it more evident to backcountry users as to what their considerations for the day should be. Of course we will still have days when our complex snowpack dictates that there is more than just one avalanche problem out there!
While things are slow to get rolling with snowfall in the backcountry so far this year it is important to remember that if there is enough snow to play in, there is also enough to create an avalanche. While the current avalanche danger is limited to specific areas (where there is actually accumulated snow!) we have already seen some large and impressive slides earlier this month. In your quest to get your season on track, remember to take the time to pay attention to the snowpack. Not just for today’s avalanche conditions, but for what might evolve for the rest of the season. When we get early season snow, and then long dry periods, the snow tends to “rot” or facet. This faceted snow will create a weak layer near the ground, which will be the supporting snow layer for additional snows to (hopefully) come. With a weak supporting structure we can expect to have an active avalanche season! The good news is that with a lot of bare ground showing out there right now, there is no weak base structure yet in some areas. These might be the best places to play in the coming winter.
With not much quality skiing or riding out there just yet, this is a great time to brush up on your avalanche knowledge. The CBAC, in conjunction with Crested Butte Mountain Guides and the Alpineer will be hosting a “Beacon Brush Up” day on Saturday December 1st. Come on out from 11-3 in the Town Park to learn or practice your beacon skills, demo new avalanche beacons and airbags and get tips from the pros. The Alpineer will host a gathering afterwards from 3-6pm with food and beer as well as special discounts on avalanche gear.
For more information on avalanche danger ratings or avalanche problems, to get the daily avalanche bulletin in the Crested Butte area, to submit your backcountry observations, or to become a sponsor of the Crested Butte Avalanche Center, check out our website
What’s With All The Scary Danger Ratings?
I’ll start off our forecaster’s blog with a write-up of the avalanche danger scale and our thought process behind interpreting and assigning avalanche danger ratings this season.
Forecasters around the state have been scratching their heads and going back and forth about defining and issuing avalanche danger ratings this season. Our tricky snowpack has forced us to dig into the nuances and semantics of the 2010-2011 North American Danger Scale (Fig. 1).
Figure 1
First off, let’s get some defintions out there: According to SWAG, avalanche danger, or avalanche hazard, is defined as “the potential for an avalanche to cause damage to something of value [people or property].” A leading authority on avalanche forecasting describes an avalanche danger rating as “a ranking of avalanche danger for a period of time over a specific region.” (Stratham et al 2010)
The CBAC issues an avalanche danger rating of LOW, MODERATE, CONSIDERABLE, HIGH or EXTREME for specific aspects and elevations within our forecast area–the greater Crested Butte backcountry which roughly covers 100 square miles centered around the town of Crested Butte. This creates the Avalanche Danger Rose (Fig. 2):
Figure 2
So what goes into the danger rating? It all starts with the forecasters assessment of snow stability and how the current and future backcountry conditions fit with the avalanche danger definitions. The forecaster looks at the likelihood of both human-triggered and natural avalanches as well as the size and distribution of avalanches. Each level of avalanche danger has a specific definition for those categories (Fig. 1).
Easy enough, right? If it could only be so simple! It has been very challenging here at the CBAC to attach an avalanche danger rating to our snowpack since the first major storm of 2012 arrived on January 16th. We have been reading (and re-reading) all the qualifying and defining traits of each danger level and assigning danger based on those definitions. Each morning, we look at the probability of both natural and human triggered avalanches and then think about how big avalanches will be and where they will be occurring in the terrain. The resulting product has been a strict interpretation of MODERATE or CONSIDERALE danger that appropriately sums up the avalanche conditions but does not necessarily connote how “dangerous” it is out there. This is where the “SCARY” modifiers have been coming into play this season.
While not an official danger rating, forecasters often attach or imply the “SCARY” pre-fix during times when the danger is at the upper end of either MODERATE or CONSIDERABLE. Often times during SCARY MODERATE, there is a lower probability of human-triggering an avalanche but the resulting avalanche has the potential to be very large, and deadly.
We dealt with SCARY CONSIDERABLE after the January 16th storm. 1.3″ of water fell on a mostly shallow and weak snowpack. The danger did not spike all the way to HIGH because the size and distribution of avalanche activity did not fully meet the HIGH requirements. We did not see “large avalanches in many areas”– a clause that helps define HIGH danger. Instead we observed “small avalanches in many areas and large avalanches in specific areas”–two of the defining traits of CONSIDERABLE danger. It was SCARY CONSIDERABLE because we were pushing the limits of the definition, but the way the storm and subsequent avalanche cycle played out fit into CONSIDERABLE danger. During the peak of the storm–the night of 1/16–the probability of human triggered avalanches may have jumped to “Very Likely”–a defining trait of HIGH–but the natural activity observed over the next several days all pointed to the fact it was CONSIDERABLE danger.
The storm that arrived the following week–the January 22nd storm–dropped over 2″ of water onto our weak, top-heavy snowpack. The danger jumped to HIGH post storm due to the combination of a larger load of snow, winds, and our increasingly unstable snowpack. The result of that storm was a spike in danger to HIGH for 24 hours. More larger avalanches were observed after the 1/22 storm than the 1/16 storm and HIGH danger was warranted.
The danger then hung out at CONSIDERABLE for the next 2 weeks on many aspects. Why? Naturals weren’t occurring, but human triggered avalanches were “LIKELY” on most slopes. Going back to the definitions (Fig. 1), “likely” triggers are enough to keep the danger at CONSIDERABLE. Also, all the reports of cracking and collapsing hinted that remote triggered avalanches were a real possibility as were “large avalanches in specific areas and very large avalanches in isolated areas.”
Currently we are at SCARY MODERATE. Human-triggered avalanches are no longer “likely,” but they are “possible” and even very possible on certain slopes. Why is the “Scary” pre-fix still being tossed around the forecasting community? We use the term SCARY MODERATE during times when the probability for triggering an avalanche is slowly decreasing, but the consequences remain severe and even deadly.
The Bottom Line: Our snowpack remains dangerous despite the fact it is getting harder to trigger an avalanche. Don’t let decreasing signs of instability lure you into exposed and consequential terrain. Many fatal avalanches or close calls (think Lucky Boy Slide on Whetstone) occur during SCARY MODERATE danger. Do not let your guard down and treat all slopes over 35 degrees with extra caution.
John MacKinnon
Welcome to the CBAC Forecaster’s Blog
Our hope is to provide another forum for spreading information and observations about traveling in the backcountry. Stay tuned for weekly updates. Think Snow!