New Accidents Map

CBACAccidents, Announcements, Events, News

We just published an interactive accidents map that allows users to explore and read reports of avalanche fatalities, injuries, and burials in the Crested Butte forecast area as a learning resource.  You can access the map under the “Resources” tab on our website, or at this link.   Although we did our best to dig up old accident accounts, some of our records may be incomplete.



Trailhead Day #4-Snodgrass TH

CBACAnnouncements, Events, News

CBAC will be at the Snodgrass Trailhead this Saturday, December 31st. We are sending out 2022 with a bang as the Atmospheric River has returned! Come out for the latest avalanche conditions, friendly banter, maps, stickers, snacks, music and more.

The Backcountry Podcast

CBACAnnouncements, Events, News

Executive Director Than Acuff recaps where the CBAC came from and where it is going in this exciting new Podcast from Backcountry Magazine.

To help the cause donate here or can the QR code on the banner.

The CBAC’s budget is dependent on donations from our users. CBAC receives minimal governmental support, so your donation is critical in supporting a locally generated avalanche and weather forecast, seven days per week, all winter long. We do it every day!

Holiday Special: Apres Ski Premier

CBACAnnouncements, Events, News

Join the CBAC and local Olympian Aaron Blunck for the Holiday Special Après ski premier hosted by Epic Western Cocktails. We will be premiering two films “The Bulldog”  and Head Skis “Feel Real” by Blank Collective.
Where: Elevation Hotel and Spa
When: Dec. 23rd 2022 4-7 pm
After party from 8-11 p.m. at Talk of the Town
Family friendly, Raffle prizes, silent auction, Films, Poster Signing, Epic Western Cocktails, all proceeds will be donated to Living Journeys and the Crested Butte Avalanche Center.

Trailhead Day #3-Slate River TH

CBACAnnouncements, Events, News

Join CBAC and Irwin Guides for this special event with free beacon skills training. Come by anytime from 9:00am to 2:00pm for the latest information on snowpack, conditions, local maps, and snacks or to chat about anything backcountry related. At 10:00 am, 11:00 am and 12:00 pm, Irwin guides training staff will be available for free 1-hour beacons skills training. No sign-up is necessary, show up with your over-snow gear and rescue equipment. If you don’t have rescue gear, we will have beacons, shovels and probes on hand to borrow. Email with any questions about the event.

CBAC Internship position

CBACBackcountry Notes, News

The Crested Butte Avalanche Center is seeking an intern for the upcoming 2022/23 season.  Roles include but are not limited to: supervised and independent fieldwork and documentation, writing weekly snowpack summaries, assisting in outreach and education programs, packing and mitigation in municipal avalanche zones, editing fieldwork videos, and various other operational tasks.  This mentorship opportunity is unpaid but does include a small stipend.  A 3-month commitment is required at a minimum, with an expectation for 2 to 3 full work days per week. Qualified candidates will have a minimum training of Avalanche Pro 1 (or equivalent) and advanced backcountry travel skills. Please send a resume, cover letter, and 3 references to zach(at) by June 24, 2022.

The 48th Annual Al Johnson

CBACAnnouncements, Backcountry Notes, Events, News

The 48th Annual Al Johnson Uphill/Downhill Memorial Telemark Ski Race is this Saturday, March 19. Registration can be completed online at or the day of the race 8-10 a.m. at the check-in & bib pick-up in the Adventure Center in Mountaineer Square. $50 lift tickets for competitors without a pass will be available at the Adventure Center during check-in. A portion of the proceeds go the the CBAC.
Don’t know what telemark skiing is? Check this out!


Ski Telemark from Curtis Johns on Vimeo.

Fireside Chat #5 with Ann Mellick (Recording Posted!)

CBACBackcountry Notes, Events, News

Join us virtually with a regional guest Ann Mellick, seasoned highway avalanche  forecaster for the famed Hwy 550 and  Hwy 145 near Silverton, CO. An informal, conversational meeting with Ann talking about her career, stories, and life of a highway avalanche forecaster on one of the most notorious roads in the lower 48, if not North America.  The CBAC Fireside Chat series has been made possible by support from the Gunnison County Met-Rec District, we cannot thank them enough for their generous support.

Zoom Link to Meeting HERE

Passcode: 1234

Recording of this Fireside Chat will be posted HERE following event.

Passcode for recording: AQ@Cu8!C