Cement Mountain West Ridge Avalanche ob
Date of Observation: 01/02/2021
Name: Andrew Breibart
Zone: Southeast Mountains
Location: West ridge-Cement Mountain
Aspect: North East
Elevation: BTL
Avalanches: Observed a recent storm slab avalanche with unknown trigger but likely natural due to wind loading from strong SW winds during the night of 12/28-12/29 and additional snowfall with 1 inch of SWE (12/29/20 archive CBAC Weather) on a shallow snowpack in the SE zone. That’s a guess. Figure its in the R2-D2 category but cannot be certain from today’s vantage point across the Cement Creek Valley.
Weather: light winds and overcast.
Snowpack: Just skiing the road due to non supportive snow in the area. Surface hoar is widespread and has a length of at least 2mm.