AVY App for CBAC

CBACAnnouncements, Avi Blog, Backcountry Notes, Events

We’re excited to roll out a new mobile app to serve our CBAC community!  Through the design efforts and partnership with the Northwest Avalanche Center, the “Avy” app now hosts CBAC forecasts, observations, and weather data for the Crested Butte area. You can download the “Avy” app for both iPhones and Androids.  If you already have the app, you’ll need to update it on Google Play or the App Store to sync it with CBAC.  One of the benefits of the app is its offline functionality.  If you open the app before you leave town, you can view the forecast from your phone while you are in the backcountry and out of cell service.  You can also submit an observation that will upload to our website when you return to cell service.  While the app delivers essential information (avalanche forecasts, observations, and weather data), our website remains the comprehensive resource for all of our data visualization tools and maps. The app is still in its infancy, and NWAC will continue to modify and improve functionality in years to come.

2023-24 Annual Report

CBAC2023-24 Weekly Snowpack Summaries, Announcements, Avi Blog, Backcountry Notes, Events

The season was a mixed bag of emotions for all of us at the CBAC and in the community. While it was another great season of skiing and riding, we were hit hard by the loss of two friends to the mountains.  Our 24th season forecasting for the Gunnison Valley was defined by two treacherous weak layers – the source of challenging, unique, and tragic persistent slab issues.  The report also highlights successes from our outreach and operations and recognizes the many partners and sponsors who support the CBAC.

To read the full annual report, visit this link or use the pdf viewer below.



Community Thank You Party

CBACAnnouncements, Backcountry Notes, Events

We wouldn’t be who we are without all of you so we want to thank everyone with a party!

Join us at the Talk of the Town Friday, May 3 from 5-8 p.m. Live music from local band Juice, formerly known as Atmospheric Whisky River, and free beer!

We will also announce the winner of the observation contest for a pair of Weston skis.

Best of all, it’s free!



MSP/CBAC March Meltdown

CBACAnnouncements, Backcountry Notes, Events

MSP is hosting their March Meltdown at the Elevation Hotel deck Saturday, March 30 1-6 p.m. Live music, Jack Daniels drink specials and a drawing for skis, coolers and other great items. The party is free and proceeds to benefit the CBAC.