
CB Avalanche Center2015-16 Observations

Location: Kebler Pass Area
Date of Observation: 11/16/2015
Name: EM
Subject: Anthracite
Aspect: North, North East, North West
Elevation: 10,000 – 11,500


Avalanches: There were two R1D1 slides on an open NE slope. They appeared to be very shallow, only involving the top few inches.
Weather: Light snow during midday. Winds were generally moderate but with some strong gusting at ridge top. Visibility was limited. Observed wind transporting snow in several locations.
Snowpack: New snow accumulation at 1pm was about 7 inches. Snow surface in open areas was starting to stiffen and crack. Cracking was shallow and only extended a few feet in front of skis. Didn’t experience any collapsing.

Ruby Range

CB Avalanche Center2015-16 Observations

Location: Kebler Pass Area
Date of Observation: 11/15/2015
Name: Tyler Lee
Subject: Ruby Range
Aspect: North East, East, South East
Elevation: 10,300-12,500


Avalanches: 2 point release slides on N-NE aspects (R1,D1)
Weather: Wind blowing on ridges to the E-NE (cornices forming over E-NE aspects). Bluebird day (snow consistency stayed the same throughout the day).
Snowpack: Pit: fracture on ECT 16 (no shear break-off), 10 cm from the base. New storm layers appear to be consolidating with old storm layers. Sun crust forming on southern aspects.

Small Slide on Ruthie’s Run on the Bench

CB Avalanche Center2015-16 Observations

Location: Crested Butte Area
Date of Observation: 11/16/2015
Name: Beth Carter
Subject: Small Slide on Ruthie’s Run on the Bench
Aspect: North
Elevation: 9000


Avalanches: Small bank slide
4 inch crown
adjacent to nordic trail
Weather: Snowy


Cement Creek Pre-Storm Photos

CB Avalanche Center2015-16 Observations

Location: Cement Creek Area
Date of Observation: 11/15/2015
Name: Ian Havlick
Subject: Cement Creek Pre-Storm Photos
Aspect: North, North East
Elevation: 9,500-11,000

Avalanches: no avalanches observed
Weather: Clear, slight overcast. Calm winds
Snowpack: relatively thin, southerly slopes completely baked clear of snow, northerly and shaded aspects hold onto 6-12″ snow from November storms. All snow is faceted.

Cement Mountain Close upCement Mountain wide view
Looking east toward Taylor Park and Italian Mountain
Looking south near Cement Creek Summer Homes turnoff

Mount Baldy/Schofield

CB Avalanche Center2015-16 Observations

Location: Paradise Divide Area
Date of Observation: 11/15/2015
Name: Ian Havlick
Subject: Mount Baldy/Schofield
Aspect: North, North East, East, South East, South
Elevation: 10,000-12,000

Avalanches: only old avalanches observed. Baldy slide Zach reported, as well as a few other similar slides down to the very earliest, slickest October snow on N-NE facing slopes N/ATL in feeder gullies of Emerald Lake Coulior, and coulior proper, which ran all the way to outlet creek of Emerald lake during last cycle.
Weather: Mostly Clear, variable non-transportable speed breeze at times but generally calm. High clouds rolled in midday, then diminished once out of the field. Fairly strong radiation, but cold in shade.
Snowpack: Mixed surfaces on all aspects and elevations travelled and glassed. In protected and non-disturbed areas (willows, glades, hollows) snowpack carries a slight slab still from our November 4-6th storm (4F-) sandwiched by a 2mm facet layer near the ground (october snow), and ~ 10-15cm of 1mm facets at the surface (November 10th storm). Varying thicknesses of wind crust from 1-10cm of pencil hard snow, with thin skim of near surface facets on top. Average snowpack depth ranged from 40-60cm.

Only surface hoar I observed was in very sheltered (from sun and wind) areas, particularly in drainages and near creeks (as one would expect). Slick wind buff dominated high elevation northerly aspects from our last system’s strong NW winds as it exited.

Southerly aspects BTL were quite moist all the way to the ground, and ATL were crusty (2-4cm thick).

photo of snodgrass runouts (taken from road)…shows coverage and twinkle of 1-2mm surface hoar and near surface facets

north side of Gothic…shows snow distribution…pretty windhammered..slick surfaces and isolated hardslabs

graphical pit on Mt. Baldy. ECTX..(slab broke on 26th tap)


CB Avalanche Center2015-16 Observations

Location: Kebler Pass Area
Date of Observation: 11/15/2015
Name: EK
Subject: Owen/Ruby
Aspect: North East, East, South East
Elevation: 10,300-12,400

Avalanches: Small R1 D1 point release under high point of Saddle on Owen.
Weather: Clear skies, sunny, warm. Winds picking up in the afternoon coming from the NW
Snowpack: NE-E-SE consolidating after most recent storm. Snowpack depth above 11,800′ ft ranged from 80cm-120cm in most areas. There were 3 apparent interfaces, the weakest layer remaining at the base. Rapid loading of E-SE beginning in the afternoon.


CB Avalanche Center2015-16 Observations

Location: Paradise Divide Area
Date of Observation: 11/12/2015
Name: Sydney
Subject Observation
Aspect: N, NE, NW
Elevation: 1100ish

Weather: Cool, light wind, clear skies
Snowpack: 20cm of snow with about 8″ of new snow. Observed a few collapses on wind loaded rollovers. Skied protected tree runs on slopes ranging from north to northeast, and found no signs of instabilities.


CB Avalanche Center2015-16 Observations

Location: Paradise Divide Area
Date of Observation: 11/12/2015
Name: Than
Subject Baldy
Aspect: South
Elevation: 10,800-12,800

Avalanches: none
Weather: sunny, warm, breezy on ridges
Snowpack: 6-8 inches of new dense snow on top of a firm crust. some collapsing in the lower part below treeline as we climbed up but no true signs of instability

Ruby Range Obs

CB Avalanche Center2015-16 Observations

Location: Kebler Pass Area
Date of Observation: 11/12/2015
Name: Ian Havlick
Subject Ruby Range Obs
Aspect: North, North East, East, South, South West, West
Elevation: 10,000-12,000

Avalanches: several D2 avalanches on Axtell, and near the Ruby Dyke, one appearing to be triggered by wildlife.
Weather: Clear, cold morning- then warming with strong radiation and light westerly winds (non transport speeds).
Snowpack: Shallow. 20-50cm average HS with deeper wind drifted areas behind trees and ridges. 3 distinct layers on west facing slope where I dug, October melt-freeze, November 4-6th storm, and our most recent November 11th storm. Q2 shears in CT and ECT tests on melt freeze crust that form on Nov. 6th storm. 1-2mm facets/crust combo.

wildlife triggered slide below the Dyke.
Another size 2 slide on NE facing slope into gully

Skier triggered Avalanche near Splains Gulch

CB Avalanche Center2015-16 Observations, Avi-map 15-16

Location: Kebler Pass Area
Date of Observation: 11/11/2015
Name: Heather Bradford
Subject Skier Triggered Avalanche Near Splains Gulch
Aspect: North
Elevation: 9600′

Avalanches: One skier triggered R1, D1 soft slab Avalanche. Skier caught but not buried. Crown height approximately 35cm. Failed at the interface between basal facets and the snow from last weeks storm cycle. Starting zone angle approximately 37 degrees.
Weather: Overcast. Light snowfall and light wind, no snow transport observed. 3:00pm.
Snowpack: Snowpack is minimal at this elevation, only measured 40-50cm of total snow. Snow from the past storm cycles have come in right side up but it is sitting on top of 1-2cm of basal facets.