Date of Observation: 02/17/2016
Name: Alex Banas
Aspect: East, South East, South, South West
Elevation: 11-12,100
Weather:Â Few clouds in the am and calm winds trending to moderate with strong gusts from the W SW AT 13:00 the top of Mt. Emmons. Warm temps.
Snowpack:Â Throughout the am light westerly winds kept the snow surface cool before turning moist on east and southeast aspects around 1200. No obvious signs of instabilities on slopes up to 36*.
Indy Basin: 10cm ski pen 45cm boot pen on the skiers left side near treeline. New snow preserved on west facing slopes 10cm of dry snow, dust on crust.
Elk Basin: SE facing shot from the ridge provided moist, dust on crust type skiing. Roller balls.
Evans Basin: The east wall looked blown out, roller balled and one small wet loose. The S line from gunsight looked clean and good skiing till the basin.
RLB: Variable, ripple to windboard. Dry snow till 10,600′ where the egress turned to mank.