Avalanche observations Taylor Pass

CB Avalanche Center2015-16 Observations

Location: Cement Creek Area
Date of Observation: 03/20/2016
Name: J.Mortimer
Subject: Avalanche observations
Aspect: East
Elevation: 12100

Avalanches: HS-AM-R2-D3-O
HS 370cm
Slab thickness 170cm
Slab width 150-200 yards
Vert. fall 400 ft.
East aspect
12100 ft.
This slide was triggered earlier today the 20 of March by an unknown snowmobiler.
It is location is on the ridge between Taylor pass and Taylor peak just below point 12,246
Two other avalanches were observed north of hunter hill.
These two other avalanches are very similar to the one off of the Taylor pass ridge in regards to aspect elevation incline as well as loading patterns.
The hunter hill slides most likely ran sometime around the 16th of march.
All three slides were in lee ridge top alpine locations and are deep, large HS avalanches
Weather: clera ,calm 30F
Snowpack: HS at the crown 370cm
