Surface Hoar

CB Avalanche Center2016-17 Observations

Location: Kebler Pass Area
Date of Observation: 01/19/2017
Name: Evan Ross
Subject: Surface Hoar
Aspect: North East, South East, South, South West
Elevation: 10,500 to 12,000

Avalanches: Surface hoar/near surface facet sluffs on steep northerly aspects at 12,000ft.
Weather: Clear and calm throughout the morning. Sky’s transitioning to overcast around 1pm. S1 starting at 4:30pm.
Snowpack: Oooo surface hoar, you suck. Fairly widespread surface hoar beginning to be buried late this afternoon.. Looked to be cooking off on steep southerly aspects, but maybe not fully cooked. On south surface hoar had formed over a soft crust, on northerly aspects the surface hoar was forming over near surface facets.

South west aspect, surface hoar over a soft crust


Northeasterly aspect at 12,000ft, surface hoar has formed over near surface facets.
