Date of Observation: 02/11/2016
Name: Travis Colbert
Aspect: North, North East, East
Elevation: 9,000-12,500
Avalanches: Large natural spanning most of M face (NNE aspect); large natural running the length of the ridgeline on skier’s right side of the bowl we skied (ENE aspect); large natural below tree line along skin ridge (E aspect) that is obvious from the highway, with debris piles in the exit gully. Lots of others, including some small but surprisingly low angle pockets, along Gibson Ridge.
Weather: Clear skies, moderate NW wind, temps near 0F at start warming into teens by mid-morning
Snowpack: North aspects wind scoured and punchy to rock hard. Some collapsing and cracking on 30+ degree north-facing slopes near treeline. Skied variable snow in the main east-facing bowl from the high point above M face. Lots of wind impact in the bowl; rock hard but smooth in skier’s left half to punchy sastrugi in the skier’s right half.