Triggered slides on Emmons

CB Avalanche Center2016-17 Observations

Location: Crested Butte Area
Date of Observation: 03/03/2017
Name: Steve n Mike
Subject: Triggered slides on Emmons

Avalanches: Triggered 2 persistent slabs today.
1 on the skiers right side of Coon Basin with a large cornice drop. D1 15m wide running about 200 vertical. Crown looked up to 30 cms deep.
1 on a steep (38) roll on the North ridge of Emmons separating Coon and Redwell. Kind of a random spot. Heavily wind loaded, triggered on a ski cut. Surprisingly deep given the terrain. 75m wide running 200 vertical. Crown up to 70 cms deep. Pencil hard chunks of debris.
Saw many more old crowns from Tuesday’s cycle including skiers right side of Red Lady, Pencil Chute, Wolverine, East side of Scarp Ridge, and others. From the Coon/RLB saddle there was slides to the NE and SW sides. Wind loading seemed confused and contradictory.
Weather: unny! Warm on the skin track but overall still below freezing temps. Light winds until the Alpine zone, then light ENE winds.
Snowpack: Ski Pen of 15 cms in what became hot pow on South slopes. Above treeline the snow stayed dry and was wind packed on the ridges. Zipper crust by afternoon on cooling S and SE slopes about 2 cms thick with dry snow below. Persistent slab structure obvious with the new snow (0-45 cms depending on wind transport) over buried NSF. Shady N-NE low angle slopes still holding cold snow which is faceting and even a bit slow moving.
