Date of Observation: 01/09/2021
Name: Chris Martin
Zone: Southeast Mountains
Location: Snodgrass/Gothic Road
Aspect: North, North East, East
Elevation: 9000′-10000′
Avalanches: Continue to hear localized whumps in undisturbed snow where slabs remain stiff.
Weather: Partly Cloudy, warm, Sunny, no winds, Cold end to the day below Gothic road around the northern captures of the compass.
Snowpack: Toured from East onto the N-NE portion of the compass, BTL. Observed slabs decomposing into softer snow. Where we dug, we still observe a F-1F slab structure, that 1F portion has shrunk with time, slowly becoming softer from the top down. From last weekend to now, we are no longer seeing propagating test results in this location. Where slabs remain stiff in isolated terrain, localized whumpfs continue to be experienced.
HS 80cm Snodgrass 9800′
48 cm 1F-F Slab that is deteriorating
-over- (DEC 10th PWL 2-3mm FC)
32cm FC/DH 2-3mm
No propagating test results on DEC 10th Layer
CTMSC 48cm down (Dec 10th PWL)