Snowed 3, blew into 6-10, skied like 8-14

CB Avalanche Center2019-20 Observations

Location: Paradise Divide Area
Date of Observation: 01/31/2020
Subject: Snowed 3, blew into 6-10, skied like 8-14
Aspect: North East
Elevation: ATL, BTL

Avalanches: None seen but hard to see with bad light and snow whipping me in the face

Weather: Did I mention wind? Sustained with pulses bordering on ground blizzard approaching the ridge.

Snowpack: Anything facing east had a pretty good sun crust with new snow and windload on top of that. Massive snow transport up high, obviously. Everything else varied from wind scour, to wind ribs, to wind whales to sweet boot top goodness. While approaching the ridgeline, got a good crack that shot out about 30 feet into a slightly steeper slope but did not release. If you look closely at the photo, you will see… nothing.
