Location: Crested Butte Area
Date of Observation: 02/10/2019
Name: Chris Martin
Subject: Snodgrass NE – Abbey Lane
Aspect: North, North East, East
Elevation: 9800′
Weather: Clear Day in the Elks.
Temps in high 20sF
Snowpack: Most recent storm snow on snodgrass is about 30cm thick and remaking 4F-F softness.
Snowpack is revealing a strongish mid pack.
The 3-4mm DH at basal level of snowpack 10-20cm thick is concerning on these NE aspects, has yet to be on a consolidation trend and is remaining dry. CTHSC on this layer and no propagation observed.
HS 135cm
23 degree incline
9814’ Aspect 40-50 degrees
CT SP down 30 cm in most recent storm snow.
ECTP 22 down 50-55cm on 1-2mm FC
CTHSC down 125cm 3-4mm DH uncosolidated and dry