Location: Crested Butte Area
Date of Observation: 01/06/2018
Name: Ian Havlick
Subject: Snodgrass BTL Level 1 Avalanche Course Obs
Aspect: East, South East, South
Elevation: 9000-10000
no avalanche observed
Weather: Overcast skies and flurries intensified to S1-2 snowfall by 1400. Calm conditions, warm temperatures. Total snow accumulation by 1645 was ~1-2″ of relatively dense, moist snow.
Snowpack: Lots of profiles dug, average HS was 40-50cm consisting largely of facets and large grained depth hoar. Found some isolated old wind board, but did not observe any significant cracking or collapsing. Lots of CT and ECT tests produced no propagation or concerning results. dead as a door nail.