Name: Brian Goldstein
Title: Snodgrass Avalanche
Location: Crested Butte Area
Date of Observation: 11/25/2014
Aspect: North East
Elevation: 11,000
Avalanches: Observed an Avalanche on the Northface of Snodgrass in between first bowl and second above the open pillow zone. Propagated 120 feet wide and was much bigger than the anticipated potential. Probably an R3D2.5. Ran approx. 500 feet into the terrain trap below snapping numerous small trees. Almost propagated an additional 40 feet, but stopped with a major crack on a knob above an adjacent gully. We were observing the terrain from sheltered trees about 5 feet from an open area on the ridge above the rock formations/pillows. Aspect was NorthEast. We stomped around above some convexities with no reaction. Deciding the terrain was unsafe we turned around, walked five feet into the trees and the slope was remotely triggered presumably from a small buried tree. Slid all the way to the ground. The storm slab, and slab from last week, slid on the weak faceted layer at the base of the snowpack, taking the entire snowpack with it. One other wumph was observed in the same area prior to the slide. The crown was approx 60 cm. Consistent crown with no obvious wind deposits, although this specific area is subject to wind loading due to its exposure and openness compared to the rest of the snodgrass trees. Slope angle averaged about 38 degrees as the starting zone.
Weather: Light to moderate winds. Moderate temps (21ish?). Snowing S1.
Snowpack: 60-100 cm
- 11/25 Alternate view (photo: Kitt Haven)
- 11/25 Overview of slide (Photo: Kitt Haven)
- Snodgrass north aspect (Photo: Brian Goldstein)
Remotely Triggered Avalanche on 11.25.2014
Catagorized : (SS-R2-D2-AS-O/G)