Location: Crested Butte Area
Date of Observation: 12/22/2019
Name: Eric Murrow
Subject: Snodgrass
Aspect: North East, East, South East, South
Elevation: 9500′-11100′
Avalanches: Several very small wet loose avalanches on south aspects near and above treeline. I would guess from yesterday, the first warming of sunny slopes since our last storm.
Weather: Mostly cloudy skies with mild temperatures and almost no wind while traveling below treeline.
Snowpack: Southerly slopes below treeline became moist in the top few cms by around noon.
Traveled across the top of snodgrass, peering down into northerly facing, below treeline terrain. Did not see any recent avalanche activity from our last storm. Snow surfaces on shaded terrain had patchy, small surface hoar. HS from 10500′ to 11100′ was around 85cm (see profile). Boot pen was occasionally to ground, but often the slab was strong enough to support my weight. Booted and stomped with skis above the top of several intact start zones without any results. Snowpack was quiet through this terrain with no signs of instability even with obvious strong over weak structure. Riding conditions were supportive and surfy.