DATE: 15-02-15
LOCATION: Snodgrass
WEATHER: 1000: 36ºF, calm to light wind from north, visibly stronger winds aloft, partly cloudy. PM: Snow flurries, short periods of S1, no accumulation, graupel mixed in, cloud band must have been low-elevation because sun could still be felt; moderate wind from the north, no temp recorded, but clearly it cooled somewhat.
SNOWPACK/AVALANCHE OBS: Dug a pit at 10,250’ on a 37º east aspect. HS 90cm. No buried SH found. 2mm DH found at base. Most remarkably the old 12/13 interface had the largest facets – some DH evident. Had repeatable CTH22 (SC) on this interface. Top 10cm going through diurnal faceting. Two, old crowns (D2-R1) still present in “Rental Shop” along with a loose snow slide from the top. This is not relevant to today’s conditions, but it was a great teaching tool.