Red Lady Glades

CB Avalanche Center2018-19 Observations

Location: Kebler Pass Area
Date of Observation: 12/08/2018
Name: James Bivens

Subject: Red Lady Glades
Aspect: South, South West
Elevation: 11,500


We observed a R1, D1 slide on the saddle in-between the summit of Red Lady and Coon Basin on a steep south aspect.

Weather: Partly cloudy with the occasional snowflake.
Snowpack: One meter deep near tree line on a south facing aspect. A column test fractured the layer (about 5 inches down) between recent snow and the older, more consolidated layer on the seventh tap from the elbow. Nothing in the column fractured after that. There was a hard, defined icy layer in-between the ground facets and the bottom most consolidated layer of snow. Lower below treeline the new snow had turned into a, challenging to ski, breaker-crust. Our party of four observed no collapses or shooting cracks, and we kept our slope angle under 30 degrees.
