Pinwheels and Persistant Slabs

CB Avalanche Center2016-17 Observations

Location: Crested Butte Area
Date of Observation: 02/10/2017
Name: Zach K
Subject: Pinwheels and Persistant Slabs
Aspect: North, North East, East
Elevation: 9200ft -10,900ft

Avalanches: None observed.
Weather: Warm, temps in the mid 40s. Light-Moderate WSW winds BTL. Strong winds ATL with little to no snow transport. Increasing clouds and s-1 above 10,000ft and light rain below 10,000ft.
Snowpack: Toured into lower Wolverine Basin. Moist upper snowpack even on northerlies where pinwheels up to 14″ in diameter were observed rolling off 35 + deg terrain near trees and cliff bands.

On a NE aspect, 31 deg. slope at 10,800ft CT22 and CT24 Sudden Collapses @60cm on decomposing SH.

On an E aspect, 34 deg. slope at 10,900ft ECT28 Sudden Planar @65 cm on decomposing SH. F+ – 4F+ slab over this layer.

1/19 SH layer now buried 60-65 cm still reactive and showed propagation in this zone.
