Name: EM
Title: Ob from 11/24
Location: Kebler Pass Area
Date of Observation: 11/25/2014
Aspect: South
Elevation: 11,500
Weather: Weather – Cloudy skies with light snow falling. Air temps were 17 at trailhead and 8 at 11,500. Winds were light with moderate gusting. Observed a small bit of snow being transported by wind, but low visibility didn’t allow for good views in to the alpine. Ski tracks from Sunday were partially filled in at and near treeline.
Snowpack: Snowpack – while traveling off of skin track at treeline small amount of cracking with in the new snow was visible. Jumped on several steep roll overs with out any results. No collapsing either. Snow profile was dug at 11,500 on open, south facing, 32 degree slope. It showed 65cm snow depth. It was comprised of 30cm of 1-1.5mm facets at ground from earlier in november, a 5cm crust the formed from last weeks sunny skies, and then 30cm of new snow since saturday on top. Test results showed reasonable bonding between new snow and sun crust, no results from jumping on steep rolls or shovel shears. CT showed failures below the sun crust on taps from elbow. These were generally Q2. ECT results would not propagate across entire column only about 30cm and were irregular. It appeared as though there may have been a strong temp gradient directly below the sun crust leading to a weakening of the snow directly below it. But battery in thermometer died so no data.