Date of Observation: 01/07/2017
Name: Evan Ross
Aspect: East, South East
Elevation: 9,500-11,500
Avalanches: Other then previously reported avalanches from the last cycle. 3xSS-N-R2-D1.5/2 Red Coon Bowl 11,400-11,800ft E-SE. N-R2-D2/2.5? East Face of Mineral Point.
Weather: Calm winds. Increasing sky becoming overcast by 1pm.
Snowpack: No obvious signs to instability while traveling on slopes up to 40 degrees. Dug down to the 1/1 interface in several locations between 10,500ft and 11,000ft on southeast and east aspects. CT test were necessary to identify the interface as layer id was otherwise very difficult in a fairly homogenous looking snowpack. CT results at the interface were hard and sudden. Though grain size difference was minimal around the interface and there was no change in hardness.
Boot pen was 40cm and ski pen about 5-10cm. HS in areas traveled was about 185cm on average.