Mt. Emmons

CB Avalanche Center2014-15 Observations

LOCATION: Crested Butte Area
NAME: Zach Guy
SUBJECT: Mt. Emmons
ASPECT: North, East, South
ELEVATION: 9,000 -12,000 ft.

AVALANCHES: No recent slides.

WEATHER: Broken skies. Moderate to strong winds at ridge line, elsewhere winds were light. Plumes on ridge line but didn’t seem to be actively loading.

SNOWPACK: On south: the last few inches of new snow is faceting above the most recent crust. No signs of instability
On north: Some denser, wind affected snow above treeline. Around 10,500 feet and lower, the snowpack starts to feel mostly faceted out. Still supportive on skis, but felt weak throughout to pole probes and not much slab hanging on. No signs of instability
On east: Dug a snow pit near treeline. No results in stability tests. Top half of the slab is faceting out, but still some 1F and 4F slab lingering. The Dec 13th facets and below are 4F+ in hardness, large in size (2-3 mm), but rounding. No signs of instability.

