Mountain Weather December 31th, 2017

CB Avalanche CenterWeather

Date: 12/31/2017

It’s just another day of Monkey In The Middle here in Crested Butte. And yes, we’re the monkey. It is warm and dry to our west, snowing to our north and out east. While we’re just hanging out in the middle of it all, enjoying some mild temperatures, eating a banana and sitting under a bunch of high clouds instead of palm trees. Moderate westerly winds are going to keep at it today, while high clouds keep streaming overhead. More of the same tomorrow, then back to dry northwest flow for the week at the monkey stays in the middle.

  • Today

    High Temperature: 34
    Winds/Direction: 10 to 20/WNW
    Sky Cover: Mostly Cloudy
    Irwin Snow: 0
    Elkton Snow: 0
    Friend’s Hut Snow: 0

  • Tonight

    Low Temperature: 25
    Winds/Direction: 5 to 15/WNW
    Sky Cover: Partly Cloudy
    Irwin Snow: 0
    Elkton Snow: 0
    Friend’s Hut Snow: 0

  • Tomorrow

    High Temperature: 34
    Winds/Direction: 10 to 20/WNW
    Sky Cover: Partly Cloudy
    Irwin Snow: 0
    Elkton Snow: 0
    Friend’s Hut Snow: 0