More wet avalanches, a few large ones.

CBACCBAC Observations

Date of Observation: 03/27/2022
Name: Zach Guy

Zone: Southeast Mountains
Route Description: Rode out towards West Brush Creek this morning. Turned around because the sled was trenching to the ground in bottomless wet snow. Midday lap on the west side of Snodgrass, and PM bino tour from CBMR.

Observed avalanche activity: Yes
Avalanches: Continued wet loose activity at all elevations, mostly D1 to D1.5 in size, most abundantly on E/NE aspects. Notable larger slides include: A D2 wet loose that we watched run at 11:20 out of Climax Chutes. Another D2 wet loose off of Gibson Ridge. A gouging wet loose out of the Spoon on Gothic that probably grew to D2 in size. A wet loose that propagated as a relatively narrow wet slab further downslope in Redwell Basin (E, BTL) and was about D2 in size.
Weather: Warm, periods of thin scattered clouds, light winds.
Snowpack: 2″ to 6″ refreeze this morning (depending on elevation and tree cover) was supportive to boots and skis but was generally unsupportive to snowmobiles. We found an isothermal and fully wet snowpack on flat, south, and west facing terrain below treeline. At 11:30 a.m., the crust was starting to thaw and become unsupportive on south aspects, natural activity was already underway by then on east aspects, and west aspects had good corn skiing. One pit on a west aspect of Snodgrass showed a 16″ cohesive wet slab over wet facets. There was a lot of free water pooling on a thin crust just above the dry spell facets, which were also wet but not flooded.
