Location: Kebler Pass Area
Date of Observation: 02/10/2019
Name: Chris Martin
Subject: Maroon Gothic Avery – up to 401 riders trail
Aspect: South West, West
Elevation: 9800′
Weather: OVC All day
winds out of SW-W
Low winds throughout the day becoming intense from 4-6pm
Beautiful alpen glow on Mt Cb observed at 1835
TAir around -5C midday
Tsurf -8
Snowpack: No direct signs of instability.
Strong mid pack, supportive.
Shallower snowpack observed in this eastern part of the zone.
Strong snow observed over a weak structure at the base of the snowpack. The depth hoar at the base showed no signs of instability where we were and was on its trend towards healing and consolidation.
P Slab structure identified but unreactive to large column tests. A significant layer of instability was observed 75 cm down consisting of 1mm FC/Cr combo. Sudden results on Cts and no results upon Ects. One PST test executed on FC layer 75cm down PST 40/11 arr.