Date of Observation: 01/10/2023
Name: Zach Kinler and Mark Gober
Zone: Southeast Mountains
Route Description: Slate River TH to Gunsight Pass Rd to lower Wolverine Basin
Observed avalanche activity: Yes
Avalanches: No new avalanches observed. Documented several large natural avalanches that likely failed around 1/4. All were on East aspects below treeline and failed on the 12/21 interface. The largest of these slides propagated close to 500 feet wide, bent a few trees over, and snapped some small branches.
Weather: Warm, light to moderate snow until around 11:00am, calm winds up till about 10,000′ where light winds were present. Stronger winds were seen moving snow on adjacent ridgelines.
Snowpack: Traveled on North and East aspects from 9,000-10,400′. 7″-8″ of new snow, a couple of shovel tilt tests did not produce failures at the new/old interface. HS in this area was at or just above 150cm. The snowpack was quiet on this tour with no cracking or collapses observed skinning up, jumping on small test slopes or when taking skis off and stepping down into the pack. A profile on an East aspect at 10,400′ produced and ECTX and PST 40/100 END on the 12/21 interface which was 100 cm deep. The slab here was up to 1F+ and the weak layer was 4F- and rounding. The 11/28 interface was only 10cm thick at the bottom of the snowpack.
- Widespread previous activity in this zone.
- View of largest slide which likely failed around 1/4
- The largest slide bent trees and snapped a few small branches
- Profile, East aspect BTL