Kebler Pass Area

CBAC2014-15 Observations

Name: Evan Ross
DATE: 2014-12-31
Location: Scarps Ridge
Elevation 10,000-12,200
Aspect: S-SW

Weather: Clear dog clear! Calm wind at ridgeline becoming light to moderate from the southeast in the afternoon. Some blowing snow at ridelines. The next storm was approaching from the southwest in the afternoon.

Snowpack: Prime time ski time! Great skiing conditions on south facing slopes. NTL and ATL slopes had a dense wind pressed slab from the Solstice storm with fresh low density snow on top from earlier this weak. Didn’t find any signs to instability but managed terrain features and stayed on slopes 35 degrees or less. Surface hoar was widespread in the morning. Vary small, 1-2mm.

Avalanches: Numerous avalanches observed that failed during the Solstice Cycle. Wide propagating slabs on west aspects and smaller pockets on southeast aspects. All startzones likely 35 degrees or steeper.