Gothic Obs

CB Avalanche Center2019-20 Observations

Location: Crested Butte Area
Date of Observation: 02/26/2020
Name: Steve Banks
Subject: Gothic Obs
Aspect: North, East, South, South West
Elevation: 9,600-11,200

Avalanches: Wind slabs, persistent slabs, cornice falls and facet sluffs-we saw it all! Nothing from today, likely Feb 24/25. Large cornice falls triggering not so big slabs on NE facing very steep terrain on Gothic. A PS D2 viewed up on Rustlers Gulch ATL South Facing. Wind slabs on S facing of Belleview ATL. Full depth fast running Facet Sluff NE facing BTL in Copper Creek.

Weather: Sunny AM warmed nicely into the low 20’s. Light winds increased to moderate as clouds increased. Snow flurries by 14:00 with no accumulation Significant blowing snow again. Snow, wind and clouds dissipated as the sun set.

Snowpack: It’s shallow out here! Less snow and more facets than other drainages. Newly formed windboard in most exposed places. Closer to Gothic townsite the snowpack is 40-100 cms average. Depth improves as you move toward Baldy/Belleview. Recent storm totals near 30 cms at higher elevations, redistributed all over. New zipper sun crust formed today from green housing on southerly BTL/NTL slopes.
