frontside Snodgrass observation tour

CB Avalanche Center2019-20 Observations

Location: Crested Butte Area
Date of Observation: 02/07/2020
Name: AIARE 2 – Irwin Guides
Subject: frontside Snodgrass observation tour
Aspect: East, South East
Elevation: BTL

Weather: Moderate SW winds at Snodgrass TH, winds light to moderate once you gained the trees. S1-2 most of the day.

Snowpack: Isolated cracking localized to area around skis. SE aspect HS 140cm, 45cm fist-hard PP over 5cm MF crust, P+. Multiple layers of 4F FC with small crusts (P-, .5-1cm thick) that seem to be faceting away. Large column tests produced no propagation, ECTN above the crust, ECTN down 85 cm on an interface between two 4F FC layers. In general, the new snow was unconsolidated and only moving on slopes steeper than 35 degrees, sliding on the MF crust, with no propagation or slab.