Elk Basin and Beyond

CB Avalanche CenterCBAC Observations

Date of Observation: 01/03/2022
Name: Travis Colbert

Zone: Northwest Mountains
Route Description: Kebler TH up the west ridge of Elk Basin to Scarp Ridge down the east ridge to Copely Lake and back down the lower east ridge. Mostly S, SE & SW terrain.

Observed avalanche activity: Yes
Avalanches: Older D1 off the west ridge into Elk Basin (SE aspect) that ran a few hundered feet. Maybe remote trigger from a snowmobile (tracks in the basin) or natural? Also saw a crown on the east face of Owen (picture is bad) and crowns on the north side of Carbon (in the big cirque from the summit and the lower cirques).
Weather: Sunny. Very little wind. Cold.
Snowpack: No signs of instability. I was mostly on <30 degree slopes but dipped into some 32-34 degree along the way. The slab feels very deep. Ski pen 10-15 cm. Windboard above treeline, but dense powder everywhere else.
