Location: Kebler Pass Area
Date of Observation: 02/25/2018
Name: Eleven Snowcat Operation
aside from some minor cracking this morning, stability seemed to increase despite dense, cakey snow. One D2 windslab naturally ran 1600 from continued SW wind loading (see photo). looked to be 300ft wide, 3-4′ deep and tapering. Potentially fragile cornice fall initiated. Explosive testing in Candys and Whiskey produce no results.
Weather: Blustery and light to moderate snow showers tapered to broken skies by 1300. Winds calmed after 1500, light north winds at ridge top at 1600. Temperatures remained cold with high temp of 11 at 10k, 1 at 12k.
Snowpack: incremental snowfall continues to add up. Steady wind drifting all exposed elevations, gently re-filled today’s early tracks for partial refresh. Snow moving slow and cold. Some cracking in wind drifted snow on slopes steeper than 30 degrees. Efficient wind transport.