Crested Butte Zone

CB Avalanche Center2014-15 Observations

Location: Snodgrass
Date of Observation: 12/25/2014
Aspect: East, South East
Elevation: 10,400 to 11,000

Avalanches: None observed. No cracking or whomping on ski track.

Weather: Beginning of tour, winds were calm and continuus snowfall less than 2cm/hour. Visibility was great and air temperatures were warm for this time of year. Late morning, weather abruptly changed to strong winds from the west with sideways snow falling. Snow fall rates increased significantly. Air temperatures dropped too.

Snowpack: Four to six inches of new snow had fallen over night with pockets of eight inches in open areas. Ski pole tests revealed upper 18 inches of snow with F and 4F hardness overlying a crust.