Name: Jafar Tabaian
Title: Trees South of Coney’s
Date of Observation: 12/27/2014
Aspect: North East, East
Elevation: 10,500
Avalanches: @10,500 NE facing slope with 35-37 degree slope. This is below tree-line about 200ft below ridge, further south of the main coney’s area. Looked to be natural and fractured at the tree-line. Failed at 30cm (12in) on pre-christmas storm crust. Although the it failed relatively wide across the slope it did not step down to persistent slab and stopped on a bench about 100ft down slope. Low end of the destructive scale.
Weather: Clear, wind picking up through out the day on ridge top. Cold, -1 F. A lot of facets forming in the shade.
Snowpack: Skied a few laps on convex corner and fist bowl, no signs of instability while skiing. There was significant wind loading across the upper section of the slope. Did get a propagating crack on a steeper (~35 degree) NE wind loaded aspect, but nothing moved.