Crested Butte Area

CB Avalanche Center2015-16 Observations

Location: Crested Butte Area
Date of Observation: 01/10/2016
Name: Dave
Subject: Crested Butte Area
Aspect: North, North East
Elevation: 9,500- 10,800

Weather: Mostly clear. Very beautiful day. Light N/NW wind; temps in low teens, felt warmer.
Snowpack: Travelled on terrain up to 34 with no signs of instability. We toured to up the west side of coney’s, students put in a great skin track. 1st lap up students dug tests pits, HS ranged from 95cm to 120cm on North aspect. Students got hard to no results on CT tests on DH layer.. There is still a soft slab resting DH/facets (no surprise)!!