Crested Butte Area

CBAC2014-15 Observations

Date: 12/30/14
Location: Red lady glades/evans basin
Elevation: 9,200-11,600
Aspect: S-W

Weather: Overcast/broken S1 at best. Little to no wind. No snow transport.

Snowpack/Avalanche Obs: 5 to 10 cm of new snow, hard to tell in certain areas up high due to wind. Light wind (L) today have filled in rocky areas off the summit and the ridge, not scoured. Thin snowpack up high leading to Evans basin, thin. Foot pen 40cm, ski pen 25cm down lower in the trees. A mix of crust and facets depending on aspect, seems to be bonding well on crust: ski cuts did not produced any results. No activity seen.