Date of Observation: 02/23/2017
Name: Will Nunez
Aspect: North East, East
Elevation: 9000-11400
Avalanches: Large cornices fall on Gothics west face.
Weather: Overcast, blustery and COLD temps in the low to mid 20*F. Moderate to strong winds from the N with strong gusts and blowing snow. Light snow fall started around 1030 and periods of S1 S2 by 1100.
Snowpack: Blustery winds striped from the east of loading the SE slopes and gullies as well a NW wind cross loading from the ridge topes at 11,000ft. New snow ranged from 3-12” where snow was transported, it is defiantly possible for deeper snow deposits in other areas. Pit results: elevation 10,700 HS 320cm F 4F 1F P at 255cm down storm slab with an interface of wind boars at 230cm MFcr with rounding graupel layer under it. ECTN12BRK No other instabilities where observed other than small cracking produced skis in the skin track.