Coney’s lap

CBAC2020-21 Observations

Date of Observation: 03/10/2021
Name: Eric Murrow


Zone: Southeast Mountains
Location: Coney’s
Aspect: North East, East
Elevation: 9,500 – 10,900′


Avalanches: While on tour visibility obscured nearby terrain. Took a pavement tour later in the afternoon during a clear period and was able to gaze at many drifted features around the area and was not able to spot any fresh activity.
Weather: Mostly cloudy skies from 930 to 1230. Very light snow without any real accumulation during this period. Moderate westerly winds at ridgetop with some transport observed.
Snowpack: Measured 6″ new w/ .45″ SWE at 10,700 feet (noon). East slope at snow measurement site had 3-4cm melt/freeze crust (not quite supportive to skis) underneath new snow with ice columns present around 30cm down from crust. While walking ridgeline I produced two moderate collapses on wind drift/lip that produced shooting cracks up to 50 feet – cracks only ran through drift and not into steeper, less drifted terrain below. Drifts were on sub 30 degree terrain so did not run after failure. These isolated drifts were up to 40cm thick with ski penetration at approximately 15cm. Other nearby leeward features had drifted up to 30cm immediately below ridgetop but were much softer and did not produce any cracking.