Coney Island instability tour

CB Avalanche CenterCBAC Observations

Date of Observation: 12/10/2021
Name: David Bumgarner

Zone: Southeast Mountains
Route Description: We thought by leaving later that someone would put in the skin track but ended up getting a great workout putting it in ourselves!
We went up the usual skin track in the forest and saw a large amount of instability (huge shooting cracks and lots of collapses).

Observed avalanche activity: Yes
Avalanches: We got out to the ridge and skied close to the trees between convex corner and 1st bowl. We had lots of cracks near the top (Photo) and remotely triggered a D2 slide in 1st bowl (photo).
Weather: Overcast throughout our tour. periods of light snow (S1).
Snowpack: Sketchy! New snow needs to settle just to feel less punchy.
