Location: Kebler Pass Area
Date of Observation: 12/24/2018
Name: Eric Murrow
Subject: Christmas eve Keebler Pass powder day
Aspect: North, North East, East
Elevation: 10,000′ – 11,500′
Observed on skier triggered slab in steep protected terrain, D1 in size. Part of this side only released storm snow and in a few places a second interface was visible which I assume to be 12/19.
Intentionally triggered a D1 loose avalanche on a steep south facing slope, ran around 300 vertical feet.
Weather: Overcast skies with S1 to S2 snow for much of the day. Winds were light with moderate gusting at ridge top, some transport was observed.
Snowpack: New snow accumulation at 11,250 at 315 pm was 11 inches. Drifting through terrain travelled was limited and isolated to ridge top only. Storm instability was present towards bottom 1/3 of storm snow but produced little more than slight cracking. 12/19 interface was down just over 30cm in most locations.
- 12/24 small skier triggered slide, looks to have failed on 12/19 interface