DATE: 15-02-17
LOCATION: Kebler Pass Area
WEATHER: Mostly in the trees all day. Looked like mostly clear sky and we obviously couldn’t feel the wind much.
SNOWPACK/AVALANCHE OBS: Old growth timber and mostly treed slopes had nice dense carvey snow with light NSF on top. More open slopes where much more faceted with a deeper and variable ski pen. Sloughing was the only avalanche problem encountered on both of these slope characteristics.
Dug on a north aspect just below ridgeline at 11,400ft. HS 140cm, Jan 11th SH was down 25cm with mostly F+ hard snow on top. Shovel tilt produced easy and clean shears on this interface and CT test had no results. The rest of the snowpack was 4f-1f and faceted. Had no other layers of concern. I thought we mite find a few isolated slopes on the decent with a wind hardened slab over the SH but that wasn’t the case. Maybe somewhere else.