Axtel Obs

CB Avalanche Center2016-17 Observations

Location: Kebler Pass Area
Date of Observation: 03/05/2017
Name: Will Nunez
Subject: Axtel Obs
Aspect: North, North East, East, South East
Elevation: 9,600-11,700

Avalanches: We came a crossed a large debris pile at the bottom of the Pencil, A persistent slab D2.5 ripped out from the upper SE flank, moving rock and trees with it running 100ft a crossed and 1000ft down from the exit of the couloir.
Weather: Overcast sky, mid 30*F, Light wind out west
Snowpack: No signs of instabilities, warm temps from the days before helped form sun crusts on the southerly slops and gullied features. 3mm surface hoar growth on the N-E aspects above TL and BTL. HS ranged from 250 to 300