Date of Observation: 02/01/2016
Name: Zach Guy and Ian Havlick
Aspect: North East, East, South East, South, South West
Elevation: Below treeline
Avalanches: See video. Widespread natural storm slab instability on all aspects, mostly shallow and D1 to D1.5, but a few failing deeper and/or running long and far up to D2 in size (like the slides onto Kebler Road from 7 Sisters, where debris piles were 6 feet deep on the road). SS-N-R1-D1/D2-S.
We remotely triggered and observed several similar naturals failing on either surface hoar layers or near surface facet layers at the storm interface up to 3 feet deep. SS-N/ASr-R2-D1.5/2-I. These were on E and NE aspects BTL.
Weather: Intense pulse of heavy snowfall (S5) ended around 9 a.m., with S-1 through the rest of the morning. Calm winds. Overcast skies.
Snowpack: About 30″ of storm snow, fist hard. Ski pen was mid thigh. Widespread muffled collapses and shooting cracks on low angled terrain, where the storm snow sits on a thin melt-freeze crust (2cm), or on facets or surface hoar. Steep south aspects hold a 10cm thick meltfreeze crust below the storm snow.