Irwin Snow Obs

CB Avalanche Center2015-16 Observations

Location: Kebler Pass Area
Date of Observation: 01/05/2016
Name: Irwin Guides
Subject: Irwin Snow Obs
Aspect: East, South East, West

Snowpack: Stiff, brittle slab from post-xmas settlement has seen obvious faceting with cold temperatures last 8 days. One ECT on sunny shoulder today produced ECTX, uniform 4F hardness…though not representative of entire terrain and every aspect, is a good sample of how xmas storm slab has changed. UUWW has variable depths and coverage, with some areas 120cm+, while others are clearly faceted through and only 40cm deep. Sun crusts on any southerly slope steeper than 25º. East Barkmarker bed surface has dramatically faceted under and between two melt-freeze crusts and large, striated 4-6mm depth hoar is widespread. 1/4 melt freeze crust from yesterday’s warm temperatures is already propagating under skis.