Wind blown

10webCBAC Observations

Date of Observation: 02/19/2023
Name: Zach Guy

Zone: Northwest Mountains
Route Description: Schuylkill Ridge to 11,400’

Observed avalanche activity: Yes
Avalanches: A few small wind slabs ran today from wind-loaded alpine terrain features (D1-1.5). I skier triggered a 6” wind slab on a drifted near treeline rollover.
Weather: 2” of new snow fell today. Moderate winds started loading mid-afternoon at higher elevations, then strong winds late afternoon started blowing snow at all elevations. Late afternoon winds were so strong that they appeared to be blowing snow into the atmosphere rather than loading.
Snowpack: Traveled near and below treeline looking for wind slab formation and found a few soft drifts up to 6” that produced cracking. I tested the 2/13 interface on NE and SE aspects and found no failures or concerning-looking structures. We skied steep terrain with only minor sluffing.
