Large avalanches on Emmons

10webCBAC Observations

Date of Observation: 12/31/2022
Name: Zach Guy

Zone: Southeast Mountains
Route Description: Rec tour on Mt Emmons, mostly on SE aspects BTL

Observed avalanche activity: Yes
Avalanches: A pair of fresh large natural avalanches in Racoon Basin. There were small trees in the debris, and I’m guessing they broke on the mid December later based on crown size. One smaller slab that broke in the new snow on a drifted feature.
Weather: Moderate snowfall rates all morning with a few heavy pulses. Light to moderate snow transport at ridgetop
Snowpack: Top heavy 8” of storm snow produced clean shears. Moderate propagating test results below the mid December facet crust layer, about 70 cm deep. Got a few muffled collapses on that layer but still relatively quiet where we were (on low angle terrain).  Slab is consolidating and getting noticeably denser compared to similar slopes yesterday.
