Date of Observation: 12/26/2021
Name: Than Acuff
Zone: Southeast Mountains
Route Description: Kept it in the trees on NE aspect on western end of SE zone.
Observed avalanche activity: Yes
Avalanches: Nothing new from ones already documented.
Weather: Blowy and snowy. Quite pleasant in the trees though except the one tree bomb on my melon.
Snowpack: Dense but fun and sprongy skiing in terrain no steeper than 30-degrees. Snow was fairly well protected in the trees only densified (is that even a word? It is now) by the wind, warm temps and littered with pine needles. Ski pen 8-10″. Did skin up above road on SW aspect across small, steeper pitch. Ski pen much deeper and got a sizable collapse but did not see any shooting cracks in the ground blizzard.