Name: Evan Ross
Title: Crested Butte Zone
Date of Observation: 12/22/2014
Aspect: North East, South East, South West
Elevation: 11,000
Weather: The word, Blizzerd, would sum this section up well. Strong westerly winds, snowing hard S2-S3, drifting snow, whiteout conditions at times in open areas. Sweet!
Snowpack: Toured midday in the Elkton area. Very touchy avalanche conditions on all aspects toured with a good chance to release an avalanche problem on any slope over 30 degrees. Storm snow was wildly variably in depth from strong to extreme westerly winds. The 12/13 crust interface was exposed in some areas or buried by 3 feet of F+ slab in others. Rumbling collapse where muffed by the recent slaby storm snow. These Rumbling collapses where remotely triggering soft slabs on all three aspects from long distances away. On SW and SE slopes these slabs where most active in specific terrain features that have seen additional wind loading. On these aspects the soft slabs appeared to be running on the 12/13th crust interface but may have initiated at a storm interface. On a NE aspect the problem was widespread and just as easy to remote trigger from large distances away. On this aspect, soft slabs where running on the 12/13 NSF interface. These slabs where measured at 21″ deep on one slope and were wildly propagating around, or through terrain features.
Avalanches: Several remotely triggered R1-D1 and R2-D1.5 soft slabs on SE and SW slopes greater then 30 degrees. One remotely triggered D2 soft slab avalanche that propagated wildly through terrain features and tree islands