Anthracite Mesa-Coneys

CB Avalanche Center2019-20 Observations

Location: Crested Butte Area
Date of Observation: 02/08/2020
Subject: Anthracite Mesa-Coneys
Aspect: North East, East
Elevation: BTL

Avalanches: CBAC will likely have a better picture for storm slab on SW bowl on Baldy from cross loading. Untrained eye would call it around R2 size.
A few loose snow slides with minimal snow entrainment low on southerly open slopes by Mosquito cabin at Elkton.

Weather: AM blowing snow on Baldy peak.
PM blowing snow on Mt CB and Mt Whetstone. Blowing snow BTL on Gibbs Ridge and BTL on Mt CB on Brush Creek side.

Anthracite Mesa: calm to light winds on ridge. scattered to broken skies. warming throughout the day to above freezing in town.

Snowpack: no collapsing, cracking or whumping on new skin track. boot pen with 118 lb person: 35 cm (14 inches).
due to wind packed and dense snow could not determine new snow/48hours.
snow stuck to ski bases at end of tour.